Global Security Technology - A Society of Continuous Referendum

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Global Security Technology - A Society of Continuous Referendum

Chigireva Alina,

Secretary of the Academy of Social Technologies

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New York, 2019

Continuous referendum technologies are unique ways of providing social feedback to reflect public opinion in real time.

Implementation of Continuous referendum technologies allows everyone to ensure national security of the society and the state, as well as the development of the country's economy.

Such is the outlook on the society of the present.

In response to the demand and to serve civil interests Scientists of the Academy of Social Technologies conducted a research and designed local models of technological systems that are able to reflect public opinion in real time.


These technologies have the potential to successfully change the work of socio-economic machines, built ages ago and working on obsolete principles of social parasitism. Through the adoption of continuous referendum technologies, these machines will be transformed into new ones that will be controlled by the developed countries of the world.

Keywords: global security, technology, society of continuous referendum

September 1, 2017 in St. Petersburg, a meeting of the Presidium of the Academy of Social Technologies was held, dedicated to the Day of Knowledge - September 1. 

Viktor Chigirev as one of the esteemed participants presented this topic under the name of: “The Society of Global Continuous Referendum”. The final report was made by Peter Yunatskevich, who summarized the work plan of the Academy of Social Technologies and its supporters in assistance of implementation of continuous referendum technologies, that in the end, will serve to ensure the functioning of an open global civil society.

AST Mission (AST) - A Society of Continuous Referendum


Viktor Chigirev and Peter Yunatskevich offered the world community a social technology that performs continuous testing of any social action. As a result it becomes possible to change the control scheme of society over the state, business, associations of citizens [1].

Essentially, scientists have proposed a new system where the controlling role shifts to the society and covers all subjects of social relations (social subjects - citizens, carrying out socially significant actions, organizations, states).

In our opinion, the goal of society is affirmation of existence. In this regard, it is crucial to cut off elements which pose a threat to the existence of society. To reach the goal, the society is transferred to the continuous control mode by incessant reaction to social actions (actions affecting the interests of “others”).

“Others” is a category meaning the replications of influence on a person’s vital activity triggered by other people’s participation in one’s living.

Using the social technology of Viktor Chigirev and Peter Yunatskevich (mass ethical evaluation), a society can be transferred to the mode of continuous control of all its social subjects by the way of reacting to the social action of these subjects.

Any social action is a test question for society. An immediate public reaction to such test questions will turn into a continuous visualization of social attitudes towards a social action. A new tool of civil society is emerging - a visual control of social action.

The essence of a society of continuous referendum is the representation of any action as a question that gets an immediate response - whether it is harmful or not.


Viktor Chigirev

Viktor Chigirev and Peter Yunatskevich suppose that this is a new form of control, created to reduce the malicious interference of social subjects with the existence of humanity. It is possible to hold a public referendum this very second and every second after, it can be incessant.

What is the essence of any authority?

Authority means to offer something to society. By giving - you gain the authority. Authority arises from the offer to give something. To estimate is to wield authority. This is the power of civil society members - citizens. They can bring back to reality any of those holding it by means of continuous referendum.

Thus, the uniqueness of the idea of ​​Viktor Chigirev and Peter Yunatskevich lies in the fact that modern technologies allow us to create a society of continuous referendum both at the global and local levels.

If an idea is valuable to a society, then it becomes imperious, a part of the cycle of power in which the whole society actively participates. Under such system it would become very difficult to imitate the elections, self-appointments would turn out to be very dangerous as acting in this way may be marked by citizens as harmful to a society.

The essence of the new subjectivity is the visualization of the reaction of the subjects of a society to what is happening and coming from others. New objectivity appears when we see the results of testing of social actions by a society. But in a blink this reality might disappear. In a day, objectivity will become different if a subject tested by a society has changed ones social action or has fallen into disrepute, has ceased to do what society recognized or marked as harmful to them. This is where a system of continuous rotations in social hierarchies arises.

The Academy of Social Technologies offers the world community a new global security technology built on a model of civilian control - a system of continuous global referendum. In assessment of any social action only one question is to be asked - whether an action is harmful or not. This perception may change as an attitude of a society changes.



The determination of a social action occurs during the visualization of a prospected harm: might this social action lead to the threat of existence? Might it be disruptive to the intuitive order of a society?

Other questions suggest answers that might not be relevant tomorrow. Therefore, a continuous referendum makes sense. This is a new form of civilian control. It leads to the fact that for social subjects who want to avoid being labeled by society (harmful, harms my existence), the following Chigirev-Yunatskevich rule will be relevant: "Do no harm, be moral and thus become firmly established in existence." In the end to follow this rule, the social subject will have to be moral (not harming the existence of others). The more people believe that a particular social action is immoral, the more it is such. This is actually a dynamic measurement of moral and immoral in a social act according to Victor Chigirev and Peter Yunatskevich.

Such a system of continuous referendum is useful for any political system.

A person is formed during the process of socialization. At the same time, not only proper, but also parasitic behavior is being reproduced.

Parasitism as an unfair treatment of a person by other person hinders the existence of everyone. In order to eliminate this obstacle to social development, it is necessary to deprive the parasitic subject of the possibility to either give or distribute. This deprivation can occur automatically, after the mass labeling of the evaluated entity as “harming my existence”. Such referendum protects the society from the arbitrariness of the so-called "great people".

These "great people" create token situations of fair distribution of public goods. They create an illusion of the "giver." A continuous referendum can reveal the truth, “they give nothing”.

It is important for the authorities to give something to the society. If they stop giving, “magicians” arise that imitate the distribution of goods, and the authorities “commit suicide”. 


This phenomenon was called by Peter Yunatskevich a "social suicide." This is when a social subject loses public trust, begins to simply imitate social functions, in reality only prolonging their qualitative existence at the expense of society. This situation ends with the separation of the parasitic subject from a society, a reputation lost.

And since there is no reputation, then there is no public trust. Following the loss of public trust comes a social death - breaking ties with a society, self-isolation of the parasite from a society and others. Eventually it even begins to encumber the lives of the members of the parasitic body and naturally ceases to function, disintegrates as a group, commercial corporation, state.

Inheriting this dangerous stamp of parasitic behavior new social subjects are likely to emerge and, using the passivity of a society, form their own power structure in a hope of extending their qualitative existence. However, they are also doomed to an inevitable social death and decay.

Therefore, a crucial rule for the authoritative subject is to be: “the one who gives nothing undermines authority”. Violation of this rule is the path to “suicide” for any imperious subject under any political and ideological slogans [2].

The technology of continuous referendum allows us to correct the notorious shortcomings of representative democracy, to develop an alternative approach towards creation of a body of legislative acts, to improve the juridicial and executive branches of a government. All those immoral yet imperious will be subject to rotation. A society will be able to continuously tag those who hinder the establishment in existence of it’s citizens. It will become obvious that parasitic subjects give nothing to а society. This will lead to the flourishing of governance and result in more moral subjects filling the positions of authority.

There is no authority when it gives nothing. All egoists will be subjected to rotation. They mask themselves, pretend to care through symbolic generosity of ridiculous benefits, but people are tired of getting scraps. 


Peter Yunatskevich

Now we all have a unique opportunity to establish ourselves in a qualitative existence for everyone - this is a continuous referendum held in a society.

The main way of parasitism over a society is a reference to the nonexistent, or impossible to assert its own existence. Parasitic subjects constantly call on us to participate in non-existent processes (for example, come and vote, although everything has long been decided for you and will draw what the parasitic subjects need, not the society). Illusionary reality also reigns the media, denoting non-existent successes and achievements in what is nought. Virulent enemies that must be overcome arise in their dark glory but just like the main villains in never-ending series no matter what they will still be there. In reality parasitic subjects do not want to overcome them and dispel the facade of a standoff, and therefore they actively talk about it.

The power of parasites rest on the fact that they dole out crumbs or even nothing to people. But as soon as it becomes obvious that they give nothing, their power will come to its end. This will be achieved by the process of visualization of harm from the actions of each social subject.

We offer a new model that will help everyone to establish themselves in existence. Through the establishment of each individual - the establishment of mankind.

The basis of this model is the discursive-evaluative method developed by Viktor Chigirev and Yunatskevich  Peter (DEM). This method can be used by everyone worldwide. 

The DEM is an opportunity for everyone to establish themselves in existence, everything else is just manipulation and technologies of deception of a society. Each manipulation will be visible in the next step of visualization.

For the time being, parasitic subjects in power produce only illusions for a society. But the use of the DEM by every member of a society will dispel these illusions. Thus social parasitism will become a relic of the history of mankind.

The discursive-evaluative method allows “others” to tag, name a criminal, a pest.

Any social action is presented to "others" as a question that must be answered immediately:

Is there any harm or not?

Should or should not?

Ethical or unethical?

Continuous online referendum allows you to ideate the current picture of social relationships.

So using our discursive-evaluative method for each individual worldwide creates a society of continuous referendum.

Recently, a society has been accustomed to the fact that it is guided by the discourse of authority, which marks subjects as pests and repress them. The authorities highlight the following in the behavior of an individual: 

a pest;

non ethical;

should not.

and subjects to repression.

However, often these labels are put on innocent people, opposition participants, individuals who are subject to robbery according to all the rules of jurisprudence. Repression of such persons can lead to their physical death, but a social death does not happen to them. Others continue to see them as ideological inspirers of resistance to injustice. There is a formation of cults of the dead. They continue to live in the mass consciousness.

In the discursive-evaluative approach, Viktor Chigirev and Peter Yunatskevich suggest that society (others) mark a subject as a pest. This public tag leads to the social death of the subject, although he may still exist for some time and even be socially reborn if he gains public confidence and trust once again.

Social death is more merciful than physical. Shooting, other executions - it is always the elimination of witnesses of injustice. People shouldn't loose their lives!

This is the fundamental right of any individual worldwide: to live, to be established in existence as a person.

As the ideas of Viktor Chegirev and Peter Yunatskvich about the society of continuous referendum start being implemented, repressions with lethal technologies (physical death) in all countries of the world will naturally be replaced by dynamic repression technologies - rotations. Society needs an update in social hierarchies. The non-lethal, humane expulsion of parasites from all social hierarchies is a miracle and the upcoming reality of the 21st century.

The authorities conduct repression according to their own volition. However, now a society itself is able to allocate pests and do it diagnostically. All that is left to the authorities is to check (the subject on the scale of harm “blushed” - send the investigator there).

A society of continuous referendum is a new type of public formation. It arises on the basis of the practical application of the discoursive-evaluative method, which may be implemented in both global and local social networks of the new generation (social influence network).

The working models of such social networks have already been developed by the institutes of the Academy of Social Technologies [3].

The Institute of Morality ( has created a global social network model for the world community - (GLON) “Global Moral”, “Global nrav”, which provides social feedback technology and real-time public assessment.

The Institute for Real Estate and Valuation ( has developed a model for assessing the professional competences of the subjects of real estate market.

The Institute of Adult Education ( has developed network models for local areas to provide continuous education and upbringing of children, young people and adults for private, public, corporate and state structures.

The Institute of Integrative Medicine ( has developed models of networks of local consumer influence on the global and local markets for medical services and products.

The Marshal Biryuzov Military Institute ( has developed models of local social networks that ensure the transition from a lethal confrontation to a non-lethal, humane one.

The Institute of Military-Humanitarian Technologies ( has developed technologies for assessment of professional compliance of military authorities, based on reflections of social feedback.

The Institute of Social Technologies ( has developed models of local social networks that ensure the decriminalization of law enforcement agencies and public authorities.

The Institute of Public Administration ( has developed a technology for online assessment of professional compliance of subjects of public administration.

The Institute of Philosophy ( has developed a theory and guidelines for the creation of ethical regulators of behavior in all spheres of human life.

The Finance and Economics Institute ( has developed a technology that provides a solution to the global problem of inequality.

The Russian Pedagogical Institute ( has developed a technology for online assessment of professional competence of teachers, heads of institutions of educational control. 

The Institute of Psychology ( solves the problems of theoretical and practical psychology of the application of the discursive-evaluative method in the regulation of relations and the development of a person and organizations.

Medical Institute ( provides a practical application of the discursive-evaluative method in the regulation of relations in the health sector. AST Medical Institute has developed high humanitarian technologies to minimize social parasitism in health care, created the legal framework for managing conflicts in the health sector, counteracts organized crime and protects human rights in health care, assesses risks and supports investment projects in health care.

The Institute of Suicidology ( has developed tools for citizens and society that provide preventive measures against depression and protect individuals and society from harm to themselves (prevention of self-destruction of the individual, organization, state, society).

The Institute of Psychiatry ( has developed technologies for digital correction of anxiety, fears, phobias, obsessions, depressions.

The Space Institute ( has developed a program to automate the management of the human factor, based on the creation of a digital system for monitoring professional compliance of private and public space corporations, to increase the efficiency of state and state-corporate management of space market entities.

The Law Institute ( developed a theory and methodology of informal justice, legal pedagogy, created digital technologies of informal law enforcement. To aid in a fight against organized crime members of the institute developed informational and educational technologies for civil, criminal, judicial, correctional and private-legal processes .

The Institute of Cultural Values ​​and Resources ( explores the global and local consequences of implementation of the discursive-evaluative method in the humanitarian development of our civilization, overcoming the problem of citizens' inequality, strengthening the culture of a moral person who does not harm himself and others, who creates for himself and others.

The Game Design Institute ( develops models of social games that integrate reality into virtuality and use virtuality to correct reality by realizing the player’s influence on the subjects and objects of the game.

Sociological Institute ( implements and investigates the practical application of people's relationships and attitudes towards different phenomena of their life activity, new tools of online sociology.

Online sociology is a way of reflecting, visualizing the attitude of citizens towards social subjects. It is necessary to substantiate management and business decisions in various spheres of life.

The method of online sociology is based on the use of a procedure of assessment of a social subject, a social action through various scales designed to reflect citizens' relations in real time.

The Institute of Socialism ( has developed a social network model that solves the problem of tribalism.

Tribalism (tribalism, tribalization, English. Tribalism, from the Latin. Tribus - tribe) - a form of group isolation, characterized by internal isolation, exclusivity, which has its “permanent leader”, who supports hostility towards other groups and leads their group to a social catastrophe by the shortest way. 

The problem of “tribalism” is not solved in many countries of the world which leads to the fact that all the so-called “prestigious” activities in society (boss, official, judge, etc.) turn out to be occupied by people from the same families, tribes and clans.

Due to tribalism (cronyism, nepotism, affinity), the quality of the authorities’ work remains low. This is due to the fact that tribal traditions, as expressed in personnel policy, impede the promotion of people to prestigious positions according to their business and personal qualities. Often following such outdated traditions people prefer to choose their fellow tribesmen over a better qualified applicant - regardless of their business and personal qualities. In a state succumbed to tribalism, leaders rule their whole life, and thus weaken the state, which eventually results in subjugation to another stronger state, where the problem of tribalism has been solved and there are no permanent leaders.

Great and permanent leader always leads the shortest path to a social catastrophe. "Great people" - the grief of any country. The problem of the “great leader” is most effectively solved in a society of continuous referendum.

Continuous referendum is a new form of power for a developed state and the path to further prosperity [4].

Continuous referendum is a new form of social control for civil society.

Any social action is a test question for a society. An immediate public reaction to such test questions will turn into a continuous visualization of social attitudes towards a social action. A new tool of civil society is emerging - a visual control of any social action.

The essence of a society of continuous referendum is the representation of any action as a question that gets an immediate response - whether it is harmful or not.

Viktor Chigirev and Peter Yunatskevich suppose that this is a new form of control, created to reduce the malicious interference of social subjects with the existence of humanity. It is possible to hold a public referendum this very second and every second after, it can be incessant.

Each action of a social subject is presented as a test question. The reaction to it is visualized on the scales of harm. Other social subjects, each find themselves in a position of an expert and continuously evaluate (control) any social action performed. Under these conditions, according to Viktor Chigirev and Peter Yunatskevich, any social action turns into a projectile, which affects not only the public, but also the author himself, the one who committed this act. This is where the colorful reality of the discursive-evaluative practices arises. This is a comprehensive and all-embracing spectacle - a society of global and continuous referendum on all issues.

The Academy of Social Technologies invites the world community, especially the states affected by tribalism and “permanent leadership”, to implement the ideas of these scientists, Viktor Chigirev and Peter Yunatskevich, about a society of continuous referendum. So we will make our world more humane and fair today, here and now. The AST institution has already developed models of information systems to implement the operational principles of the society of continuous referendum, and is ready to provide them on a partnership basis.

Continuous referendum technology is the strengthening of both society and the state; it is national security and economic prosperity. This type of society is not as much the future as it is the present, since the working models have been applied and experimentally tested. The local implementation “from below”  has the potential to change the work of socio-economic machines, built ages ago and working on obsolete principles of social parasitism. These machines will be transformed into new ones that will be controlled by the developed countries of the world and continuous referendum societies. 



1. Chigirev V.A. The moral way of immoral civilization. SPb., Institute of Morality, 2005.

2. Yuntskevich P.I. Continuous Referendum Society. SPb., AST, 2017.

3. Yuntskevich P.I. Social assessment network as a tool of civil society. St. Petersburg., AST, 2017.

4. Yuntskevich P.I. Discursive-evaluative approach as the moral compass of society. SPb., AST, 2017.

5. Yuntskevich P.I. Practical discursive ethics of Professor V. Chigirev SPb., AST, 2017.


Informational resources


Academy of Social Technologies

Institute of Morality

Institute of Socialism

Institute of Social Technologies

Institute of Integrative Medicine Institute of Adult Education www.iov.ast, social

Institute for Real Estate and Valuation

Institute of Military-Humanitarian Technologies Institute of Public Administration Institute of Philosophy Finance and Economics Institute Russian Pedagogical Institute www.rpi.ast .social

Institute of Psychology

Medical Institute

Institute of Suicidology

Institute of Psychiatry

Marshal Biryuzov Military Institute Space Institute

Law Institute

Institute of Cultural Values ​​and Resources Game Design Institute Institute of Sociology